Liebster Award

liebster 2Last week I was nominated by two lovely bloggers; Emma from Missemmalouise12 and Aimee-Jade from Bella La Moda for the Liebster Award! I’d like to say a massive thanks to you both, and I urge my readers to check out their lovely blogs! I really like the idea behind the Liebster award and it’s nice to be recognised and to also be part of sharing the ‘blogger love’. The Liebster award is a great way for bloggers to spread the word about other bloggers, and what a nice way to support each other! I consider this a really fun way to recognise bloggers and it’s a nice way to direct readers to blogs that they may have never come across!

The Liebster Award Rules:
1. In your post, link back to the blogger that nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions that you have been asked.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers with around 200 followers and come up with 11 questions for them to answer.
4. You cannot nominate the blogger that nominated you.
5. You must let your nominees know about your nominations and give them a link to your post so that they can learn about the award.

As I was nominated by two bloggers, I have combined their questions and chosen 11 out of both. I was asked…

1) Which bloggers are you inspired by and why?
I read a lot of blogs and I first got into reading them when I lived in Barcelona 3 years ago. One of the first bloggers I came across was SheWearsFashion and I’ve always been inspired by her creativity and uniqueness with fashion, and one of the reasons I know about blogs is because of hers so that was inspiring. Another inspiring blogger to me is Sammy from Beauty Crush because she is awesome and particularly on her youtube channel, she has talked about so any different things about LIFE that are so relevant and that is inspiring. I’m really inspired by bloggers that are creative and individual, so to be honest I find SO many bloggers inspiring because they are so dedicated!

2) What do you love most about blogging?
I started my blog for a number of reasons, but what I love about blogging is the opportunity to be creative and to also put your own personal thoughts out there. I LOVE designing my blog in terms of how it looks aesthetically but also love designing my blog posts and being creative with photography. I studied GCSE photography at school and blogging has given me the opportunity to reunite myself with an SLR and photoshop and I enjoy that a lot. In terms of my content, I love what I write about and can only hope that others do too, I write about things that interest me and I love that I have been able to connect with other bloggers and join this community… it’s very fun!

3) Favourite health/ fitness tip?
I’m a lover of lemons (in case you didn’t know) and they are a miracle where health is concerned, and drinking warm lemon water in the morning is my favourite/must-live-by health tip of LIFE! I have written a few posts about lemons on here so check them out! In terms of fitness, one thing I’ve always been able to see a difference with is SQUATTING. Trust me… it works when nothing else does!! The best thing about them is, once you know you can do say 50, you’ll want to do 100.

4) Holy grail foundation?
Hands down Bobbi Brown Moisture Rich Foundation. I love it because it dewey, and I prefer that look, but also it gives a perfect coverage as I’m not a fan of heavy coverage, but also want something that is going to make my skin look flawless. Bobbi all the way for foundation.

5) Favourite fashion item of the moment?
Now this is hard, but I’m going to go with anything denim. I recently just did a rather large denim haul which may require a blog post but it included oversized denim shirts, ripped jeans and 80’s denim. That is all.

6) Favourite dark lipstick?
My Smashbox Black Cherry definitely!

7) Celebrity style crush?
I go on about her probably too much… but Victoria Beckham. Style icon of my era I would say.

8) Your favourite place you’ve travelled to?
I’m going to cheat because I can’t pick one. Miami (obviously), San Francisco and Singapore. ohh and I love the Caribbean though…

9) What’s your favourite type of sport?
Football. I used to play for a girls team but in general, best sport to watch and of course I support the best football team in the world… Arsenal.

10) What goals would you like to have achieved in a years time?
I’m a realist so if I’m honest- I really hope to have paid off my student overdraft!! But more seriously, I hope to be happy in my career and still blogging about the things I love and hopefully growing it!

11) Favourite blogs?
Aside from the blogs I have already mentioned, in terms of blogs I read regularly (aka everyday) Beautezine is amazing for the ultimate beauty fix. But I also love love ViviannaDoesMakeupCOCOBEAUTEA, Shirley’s Wardrobe and Sazan for fashion/beauty! And I have a bit of a thing for home decor, DIY and foodie blogs such as BODIE and FOU, Apartmenttherapy and Six Sister’s Stuff!

My nominations are:

1. Cappuccino and Fashion
2. Buma’s Closet
3. Define Her Allure
4. Fashion and Style Police
5. Laurel Loves
6. Rosie Louise Love
7. Blonde of Carbs
8. Emma Tellesy
9. Dreaming Pretty
10. Geek Gets Glam
11. Lunar Look

And my questions for you are…
1. What is your signature bold red lip product?
2. If you could take 5 beauty products with you to a deserted island, what would they be?
3. Your idea of a fashion disaster?
4. What is your favourite era for fashion?
5. Your fashion icon?
6. Your holy grail hair product?
7. What are the reasons you started your blog?
8. What do you enjoy most about blogging and what do you hope to gain from it?
9. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
10. What is the meaning behind your blog name?
11. What is your favourite high street and high end fashion store.

I hope you enjoy answering the questions and don’t forget to nominate more bloggers!

Love Nimisha



  1. August 14, 2014 / 7:09 pm

    Loved your answers!

    Emma xo | |

    • niminotes
      August 17, 2014 / 9:49 am

      Thank you hun! xo

  2. August 14, 2014 / 4:59 pm

    I enjoyed reading your post 🙂 I was trying to find the follow button on your page and couldn’t find it 🙁 x

    • niminotes
      August 17, 2014 / 9:48 am

      Thank you so much! Ahh thank you for letting me know, i need to make that more visible!! Until them, follow me on bloglovin, instagram or twitter? xx

  3. Vizzy
    August 12, 2014 / 2:07 am

    Nimi notes FTW!!

    • niminotes
      August 17, 2014 / 9:49 am

      Thanks Vizzy!

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